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2023 # 3 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-3-7 A new method for obtaining the canine distemper virus antigen for RIHA. Elakov A.L., Gulyukin A.M., Alekseenkova S.V., Drozdova E.I., Kapustin A.V.
- 2023 # 3 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-3-6 The effect of protected protein supplements on productivity and metabolism of cows. Golovin A.V.
- 2023 # 3 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-3-8 Bioencapsulation methods of Artemia used in feeding sturgeon fish. Elizarova A.S., Tyulin D.Yu., Shishanov G.A., Lippo I.E., Brigida A.V.