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2023 #5 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-5-16 Influence of Oyster mushroom additive on hematological and biochemical parameters of calves Polskikh S.V., Gryzlov V.A., Ivanov A.A.
- 2023 #5 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-5-15 Restoring fertility and increasing the viability of offspring in sheep by using a feed additive based on “L – asparginate” Plemyashov K.V., Bulatov R.N., Avdeenko V.S.
- 2023 #5 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-5-17 Technology of feeding protein-mineral-vitamin supplements (PMVS) for domestic reindeer in the autumn-winter period Robbek N.S., Vinokurov N.V., Grigoriev I.I., Savvinova M.S., Rumyantseva T.D.