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2023 #6 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-6-21 Morphological changes of the liver after laser and electric knife resection in the early postoperative period. Experimental research Shumakov N.I., Borkhunova E.N., Pozyabin S.V.
- 2023 #6 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-6-20 Candidate genes associated with thigh girth in Russian Meat Merino Sheludko P.A., ,Krivoruchko A.Yu., Kanibolotskaya A.A., Skokova A.V., Yatsyk O.A.
- 2023 #6 DOI CrossRef:10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2023-6-22 “Feed bioprotein” as a high-protein component of dog diets Yavnikov V.N., Moskvina L.A., Andreeva V.N.