All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the “Veterinaria i Kormlenie ” journal are examined by one-sided “blind” peer-reviewing; the reviewer knows the name of the author, the author does not know the name of the reviewer. Reviewers are guided by the principles of objectivity while working with the article. The qualified specialists in a particular field who do not have an academic degree can also be involved in the peer-review process. The author can offer his candidacy for the reviewer but the editorial office has the exclusive right to determine the reviewer itself.

One article is reviewed by three reviewers.

Peer Review Process
Manuscripts are sent to the reviewer with a cover letter on behalf of the editor-in-chief. Together with the manuscript, the sample of the peer-review which has been recommended by the Russian Academy of Science on February 20, 2019, at a meeting with the chief editors, is sent.

The procedure for reviewing and approving the articles takes up to two months. If additional reviewing is required, the review period can be extended.

Each reviewer is eligible to refuse from a review in case of a clear conflict of interests’ existence that affects the perception and interpretation of the manuscript’s materials. Based on the results of the manuscript’s consideration, the reviewer gives the following recommendations:
-the article is recommended for publication;
-the article has to be revised taking into account the drawbacks noted by the reviewer;
-the article cannot be published.

If it is recommended to revise the manuscript, the editorial office sends the manuscript to the author with the attachment of the reviewer’s comments not specifying his name. If the author does not agree with any comments, he/she is obliged  to send to the editorial office a written justification of his position together with the revised version of the manuscript. The editor-in-chief decides to publish the article or resend it to the reviewers, along with an explanatory note from the author. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the editor-in-chief or at a meeting of the editorial board.

In case of refusing or being late to return the revised article after one month from the date of sending the comments, the editorial office removes it from the publication schedule.

In case of a negative review, the editorial office forwards the author a substantiated refusal with the attached review not indicating the name of the reviewer.

The terms of reviewing
The term of reviewing is on average one month from the date of submitting a manuscript to a reviewer. If additional time is required, this period can be extended.

Storage and usage of peer review
The originals of the reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal for at least 5 years. Reviews are not published in the public domain. The editorial office sends the copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation if it is requested.