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10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2024-1-2 Studying the effectiveness of fungicides against ascospherosis of bees Smirnov A.M., Sokhlikov A.B., Gruznov D.V., Blinov A.V., Luganskiy S.N., Ignatieva G.I.
- 10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2024-1-1 On the results of scientific and technical cooperation of the Research Institute with foreign countries SkiraV.N.
- 2024 #1 10.30917/ATT-VK-1814-9588-2024-1-3 The influence of ultrafine zinc particles and phytobiotic supplement based on essential oils on the growth and elemental composition of carp muscle tissue Arinzhanova M.S., Miroshnikova E.P., Arinzhanov A.E., Kilyakova J.V.